Why we
We advise you independently and individually since 2008 to mobile, landline, smart home, video surveillance, Internet (DSL / LTE) and TV (Entertain / Sky).
Telecommunication is our world - no matter whether you come to us as a private person or as a medium-sized company.
We offer you contracts or prepaid cards of all network operators and providers, eg Telekom / T-Mobile, Congstar, m-net, o2 (BASE), Yourfone, Blue, AetkaSmart and 1 & 1.
Smartphones, mobile phones or tablets can be purchased from us with or without a mobile phone contract.
Of course, you will also find a wide range of accessories, such as screen protectors, wired or wireless (Bluetooth) headsets, bags, covers, etc.
In addition, we offer you the perfect TV for your home - in the form of Telekom Entertain and Sky.
As a customer, you are in the center of attention with your needs and wishes - whether software update, data transfer, assistance in setting up a fixed network on site (eg router configuration, telephone systems from Agfeo) or repairing your smartphone
(eg Samsung Galaxy, Apple iPhone).
Talk to us in all telecommunication matters.